My Experience
Pokémon Pinball was the first of the Game Boy Rumble games I ever picked up and I was amazed at how simple sticking in a AAA battery was and then suddently it brought a whole new element to gaming. Additionally who doesn’t love a bit of pinball with the addition of having to fill a pokédex, it spoke to the massive pokémon fan in me and also to my love of arcade games on holidays abroad and in the UK.
Pokémon Pinball was a spin-off/non mainline game in the Pokémon franchise that was released on the Game Boy Color. The cartridge was one of the 20+ released with the rumble function, this required one AAA battery in the cart to provide power to the rumble motor in the cart providing feedback as the player plays the game, similar to how modern controllers provide feedback in console games etc.
The game has two different tables the “Red” and “Blue” field, named after the first generation one games released outside of Japan. The two tables had alternative designs, map locations and Pokémon (Similar to the version exclusives in Pokémon Red and Blue).
Gotta flip ’em all! Discover a whole new way to collect all your favourite Pokémon. Wether you’re on the Red or Blue field you’ll discover loads of new ways to find, catch and train ’em all! The more skills you develop with your pinball flippers, the more complete your Pokédex will become. Try to be the best Pokémon trainer of all in a new dynamic world of Pinball!
